Books, checklists, forms and more.
A litigation book covering civil litigation from the start of a claim all the way up to the pre-trial conference.
Our litigation book explores the VAST Claims Methodology: how to value, assemble, settle and try cases.
A trial book that discusses how to leverage the 6 Trial Fundamentals to prepare and conduct trials.
Topics covered are 1. Story 2. People 3. Documents 4. Law of Evidence 5. Trial Procedure and 6. Substantive Law
Trial Checklist
The civil trial checklist is a key tool in preparing for trials by providing a comprehensive list of things to do to get ready for trial.
Ontario Civil Trial Manual
Our civil trial manual addresses trial topics that are important for trial preparation and trial, with links to additional resources.
Trial Forms
We have a variety of Court forms and trial precedents available for download. Topics include pre-trial conferences, trials, resolution and more.
Trial Readiness Check-up
The Trial Readiness Check-up is a diagnostic tool to assess how ready your are for trial and what resources will assist.
Pre-Trial Conference Checklist
The Pre-Trial Conference Checklist helps preparing for pre-trial conference with a list of things to do to get ready for pre-trial.
Trial Lawyer Blog
The Trial Lawyer Blog consists of a large number of articles and ‘how-to’s in relation to civil litigation and civil trials. The target audience is lawyers and clients involved in litigation. A great way to search the blog is using the search bar at the top of the page.
Trial Resources
This website and all resources are trial information, not trial legal advice.
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The content of this website including all trial resources are © copyright. For permission to reproduce part of the website and/or trial resources please contact us. Feedback and topic suggestions are welcome. Thank you.