Trial Readiness Check-up

If you have a pre-trial conference or trial on the horizon, our complimentary Trial Readiness Check-up is a diagnostic tool based on the 6 Trial Fundamentals to assess your level of trial readiness. The Trial Readiness Check-up takes about 6 minutes and your checkup results will be reviewed by a seasoned trial lawyer, who will identify trial resources to help you get trial ready.

The best way to achieve a fair value in litigation is to prepare all cases for trial.

Please note that submitting a Trial Readiness Check-up does not make you a client of Hassell Trial Counsel and any response is to provide trial information, not trial legal advice.

The Trial Readiness Check-up is not a trial checklist. If you need a trial checklist, please check out the Ontario Civil Trial Checklist. If you are interested in learning the nuts and bolts of trial, our book HOW TO WINg A TRIAL will help.