Ontario Civil Action Forms & Precedents

Many civil action Court forms under the Rules of Civil Procedure are available online here, however, they are not formatted in a usable way. The Court forms and precedents below are professionally formatted for ease of use.

Pleadings – Start a Claim

Notice of Action (Form 14C)

(use only if time is tight to obtain 30 day extension for statement of claim)

Statement of Claim – blank but formatted (Form 14A)

Statement of Claim – breach of contract precedent (Form 14A)

This easy to use precedent sets up a claim for breach of contract. You just fill in the names and describe the contract, breaches and damages.

Statement of Claim – negligence precedent (Form 14A)

This easy to use precedent sets up a claim for negligence. You just fill in the names and describe the relationship, negligence and damages.

Statement of Claim – breach of contract and negligence precedent (Form 14A)

This easy to use precedent sets up a claim for both breach of contract and negligence. You just fill in the names and describe the contract, relationship, breaches of contract, negligence and damages.

Pleadings – Defend

Notice of Intent to Defend (Form 18B)

Statement of Defence – blank but formatted (Form 18A)

Statement of Defence – denial precedent (Form 18A)

Statement of Defence and Counterclaim (Against Parties to Main Action Only) (Form 27A)

Statement of Defence and Counterclaim (Against Plaintiff and Person Not Already Party to Main Action) (Form 27B)

Pleadings – Reply

Reply (Form 25A)

Pleading Amendments

Consent to Amend Statement of Claim

Consent to Amend Statement of Defence

Jury Notice

Jury Notice (Form 47A) – must be served during course of pleadings


Affidavit of Documents – Individual (Form 30A)

Affidavit of Documents – Corporation or Partnership (Form 30B)

Notice of Examination (Form 34A)


Mediation Brief

Moving Action from Ordinary Procedure to Simplified Procedure

Consent and Notice to Continue Action Under Rule 76

Set Down For Trial (simplified procedure)

Notice of Readiness for Pre-Trial Conference (simplified procedure only) (Form 76C)

Simplified Procedure Trial Record (compliant with January 1, 2020 changes to rule 76)

Note this simplified procedure trial record is compliant with January 1, 2020 rule changes.

It does not need to be served and filed until 10 days before trial.

Set Down for Trial (ordinary procedure)

Ordinary Procedure Trial Record

Requisition to Set Action Down for Trial

Certificate Regarding Mediation

Other Civil Forms

Request to Admit (Form 51A)

Response to Request to Admit (Form 51B)

Additional Court Forms & Precedents

More Trial Forms