When we started doing podcasts, the focus was on trials and our trial lawyer podcast On The Record launched. It’s focus is on the practice of law in the Courts.
There is a business side to the law and lots of interesting things happening there as the delivery of legal services evolves. We’ve applied the “on the record” concept, capturing lawyer insights in raw, unedited interviews.
Mick Hassell chats with innovative lawyers providing insight on how they have made their practices successful.
Episode A: The Power of a Legal Network, Interview with Ashleigh Frankel
Ashleigh is an experienced corporate lawyer, an entrepreneur and co-founder of Flex Legal Network. We caught up with her because the concept of a formal network is part of our goal in building a trial lawyer network and it is a powerful way to operate.
Episode B: Legal Innovation, Interview with Hersh Perlis
Hersh is the Director of the Legal Innovation Zone at Ryerson University, which is poised to make Toronto, Ontario a hub for innovation in law. Tune in to hear how and why.
Episode C: Legal Networking, Interview with Jason Leung
Jason is a patent and trademark lawyer at Leung Law who has a daily networking meeting over coffee.
Episode D: The Toronto Business Lawyers Association, Interview with Barbara Hendrickson
Barbara is is the CEO and Founder of BAX Securities Law and discusses an organization that promotes referrals between lawyers at small firms.
Episode E: Accessing Legal Serices Online, Interview with Derek Hopfner
Derek is one of the founders of Law Scout which offers fixed fee legals services for small businesses online.
Episode F: Lawyers Sharing Legal Knowledge Online, Interview with Ari Comert
Ari is a co-founder of Legal Cafe, which connects lawyers to other lawyers and reliable answers to legal questions across practice areas.